I managed to take a family trip to Scotland in August – first overseas jaunt since Covid – and I fell in love with the landscape, the architecture of Edinburgh (very similar to Riga) and with the sincere and lovely people. By coincidence, we were in the same place as the British royal family – near Balmoral Castle – just two weeks before the Queen passed away and I heard an organ recital at St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh, where a service was later held for her. Funny how this chance time and space proximity to historic events gains significance in our lives: royalty never mattered to me, a child of the USSR and an adult of the USA, and yet, having been there, I somehow feel a connection. Some photos from the trip are below. Those of you who follow me on Instagram can see lots of Scotland shots and videos in my profile highlights. And no, we did not go to “look for Nessie” the Loch Ness Monster, which seems to be a thing. One charming Scottish gardener said to me: “Nessie to us is what Mickey Mouse is to you Americans.” ☺