While the melody is the focus in Chopin’s pieces, Vladimir Feltsman often remarked that he isn’t hearing the bass notes when students played for him.… Continue reading Listening for the Bass in Chopin

Warming Up
Here is an exercise Vladimir Feltsman showed us a couple of times at his SUNY New Paltz master classes. It uses all five fingers in… Continue reading Warming Up
Play through faster than at your target tempo
🎹#Piano mantra: know your maximum tempo but perform at a slower, safer one. This was a run-through 2 days before performing – Gigue from Partita… Continue reading Play through faster than at your target tempo
With Chopin, The Left Hand Always Comes First
With Chopin, always learn the left hand first. I heard Nina Svetlanova say that at a master class, and it is absolutely true. To fully… Continue reading With Chopin, The Left Hand Always Comes First