Suite No. 1 is well-grounded in the key of G major, starting with an open tonic chord of G, the D a fifth above and… Continue reading Analyzing Bach’s Prelude from Cello Suite No. 1

Bach: The Energy Between the Voices
What is so special about J.S. Bach’s music? For us keyboardists it’s the contrapuntal texture which can be maddeningly difficult yet exhilaratingly uplifting. The synthesis… Continue reading Bach: The Energy Between the Voices
Bach Toccata Exercise
A piano warmup/workout for the 1st and 5th fingers excerpted from Toccata BWV 914 I was playing through Bach’s keyboard Toccata BWV 914 in E… Continue reading Bach Toccata Exercise
Using the Pedal For Bach?
Should we ever use the damper pedal in Bach? We all know that using the damper pedal in original Baroque keyboard works is discouraged. The… Continue reading Using the Pedal For Bach?